Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Reflection On The On Success - 1935 Words

Reflection on Success Introduction I cannot believe the final week of EDU-5000 is here! This course has been a great foundation course to prepare for the remainder of the program. This foundation course allowed me to gain the knowledge needed to continue my program at NCU to lead to my Master of Education degree in Curriculum and Teaching. I choose this degree because I want to be able to open more doors for better opportunities within higher education to contribute towards student and institutional success. I feel that earning this degree will allow me to gain more knowledge about the field of education, curriculum, and teaching to better prepare for advanced jobs within higher education. I believe the assignments, readings, and†¦show more content†¦The biggest principle I learned from this week was about the ABCDE method and how to categorize a to-do list based on a level of serious consequences if not completed to unnecessary and can be removed. Overall, I had a good sense of where I spend my time and how to find time to fit NCU into my life to work on assignments and process through my courses. From this assignment, one thing I still need to improve is to avoid using the word â€Å"you† in my writing because it is slang. Week 3: Compare and Contrast Using APA Style For week three, I learned about the importance of academic integrity, APA formatting, and plagiarism. The assignment for week one and three prepared me for week four’s assignment to analyze research with the help of key words, peer-reviewed journals, and search limiters. After reading the NCU Academic Integrity Policy, I understand that I have an expectation to produce good academic work based on the foundation of integrity and responsible behavior. The assignment in week 3 also gave me the foundations of APA form and style and the importance of paraphrasing to avoid plagiarism. From this assignment, I have learned the importance of paraphrasing and quoting. NCU has chosen that one’s work should have less than 20% unoriginal wording and if one are writing a short paper, there should only be one valuable sentence to quote or none at all. Week 4: Analyze Research TheShow MoreRelatedReflective Reflection On Success2029 Words   |  9 PagesReflection on Success Introduction I cannot believe the final week of EDU-5000 is here! This course has been a great foundation course to prepare for the remainder of the program. This foundation course allowed me to gain the knowledge needed to continue my program at NCU to lead to my Master of Education degree in Curriculum and Teaching. I choose this degree because I want to be able to open more doors for better opportunities within higher education to contribute towards student and institutionalRead MoreThe Reflection Of Success : My Journey To Success847 Words   |  4 PagesSuccess is extremely coveted in our society. We are willing to do whatever it takes to make it to the top. 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